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Accessibility Policy

This website is committed to providing an accessible experience for all users. We are working to make our website compliant with the Equality Act 2010, which requires websites to be accessible to people with disabilities.

We have already taken some steps to improve the accessibility of our website, such as:

  • Using high-contrast colours and fonts.
  • We use various tools to improve the readability of the text,
  • Our fonts are easy to read.
  • We limit the number of images and provide text alternatives for images on our website. We have no control over images from affiliate links.
  • We make sure that links are clear and clickable.
  • The site is straightforward to navigate. The site menu appears on every page and post. The home page is accessible on every page and post via our “Brandhord” logo on the top left-hand corner.

You can use your browser to change the size of the text and images on the page.

If you have any difficulty accessing our website, please contact us and we will do our best to help.